Tired of letting anxiety or depression destroy your life?
Calmistic is the natural self-help treatment that will reignite your life to make it more enjoyable, fun and vibrant as your anxiety and depression fade. You will possess the tools to deal with whatever life throws at you.
How it Works
Calmistic is a self-help app that takes a holistic approach to curing your anxiety and depression by utilizing simple yet powerful natural techniques. The treatment is grounded in Stoicism and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), the most effective treatments for anxiety and depression available.
Simple yet powerful natural self-help techniques from CBT and Stoicisim will greatly improve your self-esteem, thought patterns and habits. Your ability to cope, make good decisions and act improve dramatically.
Answer some questions regarding how you feel, sleep, energy and life satisfaction.
With detailed reports and personalized suggestions, you will have all the necessary tools to naturally transform your life for the better.
“This feels like Extreme Makeover! My energy is consistently higher, my mood is much better and I’m much tougher mentally.”
Pricing tailored to your preference
$70 total. Billed once yearly.
Best value
7 days free
The best tools for curing your anxiety and depression
Reports to track your progress
Much cheaper and potentially more effective than therapy
Billed every month. No binding period.
7 days free
The best tools for curing your anxiety and depression
Reports to track your progress
Much cheaper and potentially more effective than therapy
No drugs, no side-effects
Saves a ton of money
Lower stress, better health
More attractive